Tips for your next trip - From a Chiropractor

Author: Dr. Rick Parisien, Chiropractor

Whether you’re catching multiple flights or planning a lengthy road trip to get to your destination, traveling from Saint John can take a toll on your back health. Hours of sitting in cramped spaces, lifting heavy luggage, and sleeping in unfamiliar beds can contribute to back discomfort and even injuries. To ensure a pain-free journey, consider trying these tips for maintaining your back health while traveling:

1. Pack Light and Smart: As a chiropractor I would recommend that when it comes to luggage, less is more. Opt for lightweight suitcases with wheels to reduce strain on your back when walking through airports or streets. Try to distribute weight evenly between bags and use backpacks with padded straps, chest straps and or waist straps to minimize pressure on your shoulders and spine. Remember that what you bring with you will make up a large part of the load on your back while travelling.

2. Supportive Travel Accessories: If travel is a common occurrence for you it may be wise to invest in supportive travel accessories such as lumbar pillows, neck pillows, and compression socks. These items can provide crucial support and promote proper spinal alignment during long periods of sitting or standing. If you don’t know where to start with these, reach out to your chiropractor for recommendations and proper fitting.

3. Move Your Body: Feeling stiff and achy after that long flight or full day in the vehicle? I have just the solution for you. Get moving! While in the airport, take short walks during layovers, choose the escalator over the stairs and go explore the airport if time permits. If you have a long-haul flight, don’t forget to stand after a few hours to stretch out your legs or use the bathroom. While seated you can do some neck rolls and ankle pumps to keep your body moving. If your travelling via car then make it a priority to stop after a few hours to get upright and move around.

4. Fuel Properly: Proper hydration and nutrition are essential for supporting overall health, including back health. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol consumption, which can contribute to dehydration and muscle stiffness. Pack nutritious snacks to fuel your body and maintain energy levels throughout your travels. Did you know that air travel is particularly known to dehydrate the human body? If you’re travelling by air, make sure to stay on-top of your fluid intake to prevent dehydration.

5. Prioritize Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for back health and overall well-being, especially when traveling across different time zones. Choose accommodations with comfortable mattresses and pillows that provide adequate support for your spine. If needed, use a sleep mask and earplugs to create a conducive sleep environment and minimize disturbances. If travelling for prolonged periods, use natural cues to re-calibrate your circadian rhythm. Avoid screen time and excessive lights close to bed time and get direct sun light as early in the morning as possible to help with this.

6. Seek Professional Help If Needed: If you experience persistent back pain or discomfort during your travels, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. Consider consulting a chiropractor, physical therapist, or healthcare provider for personalized advice and treatment options to address your specific needs.

By incorporating these tips into your travel routine, you can minimize the risk of back problems and enjoy a more comfortable and enjoyable journey. Remember to listen to your body and prioritize self-care to ensure a happy and healthy travel experience from start to finish. Safe travels!


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